Episode 109: Danielle Walker

The Paleo View show

Summary: Ep. 109: Danielle Walker On this episode of The Paleo View, Stacy and Sarah are joined by Danielle Walker from Against All Grain to chat about her recently released book, Meals Made Simple. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 109: Danielle Walker Intro (0:00) News and Views (0:56) Welcome back Danielle! Real Life Paleo is just about to go to print and Matt and Stacy are in the intense period of the book publishing process More on Danielle Her second book, Meals Made Simple, was just released You can find Danielle at Against All Grain, along with an amazing transformation story Check out Danielle's previous appearance here, here What brought her to paleo and how it impacted her autoimmune condition Danielle's first book Against All Grain is a good introductory book for those new to the paleo/grain free/dairy free lifestyle Meals Made Simple was created to help people make the paleo lifestyle sustainable, and includes grocery shopping lists and meal plans The value of planning for leftovers Danielle's favorite recipes from the book: Chicken and Rice Cauliflower and Beef Stroganoff Danielle shared on why she moved away from nut-based recipes in her second book Nut-free rules at school and how to handle them Danielle shared her story on the process of finishing the book in the midst of a major life event Danielle's next project will be with her YouTube channel and putting more time into that project passion of hers Thanks again Danielle for joining us! Outro (40:16)