The Shanti Mantras - New World Kirtan

New World Kirtan > Calming Chants for a Crazy World show

Summary: Our set this week is based on one our satsang group loved several weeks ago. The selections are from a group of chants called <a href="" target="_blank">Shanti Mantras</a> or Peace Mantras, the Hindu prayers for Peace (Shanti) found in the Upanishads. The chants this week are only a few of them, and they’re potent. We have offerings from Deva Premal &amp; Miten, Wade Imre Morrisette, one from Bada Haridas that features the sublime voice of Karnamrita Dasi, Johanna Beekman, Jaya Lakshmi, Shantala &amp; Tim Jordan.<br> I’m so jazzed — <a href="" target="_blank">Deva Premal &amp; Miten</a> are coming to Portland this week, and I’m going to their kirtan &amp; then backstage to interview them about their tour. Pretty excited about that! They are two of my favorite artists, and seeing them live is always such a treat. I know this is really short notice but I’m having a give-away for two tickets to the Portland concert, so if you live in Portland let me know and I’ll enter your name. Next time I’ll tell you all about the concert, and we’ll feature Deva &amp; Miten’s interview. Until then my friends, stay chill. Namaste.<br> ITunes Playlist widget wasn’t working this week, so here are links to the chants in this week’s set.<br> <a href="" target="_blank">Deva Premal &amp; Miten’s 21-Day Mantra Meditation Journey</a><br><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Wade Imre Morisette: Burn It in the Fire</a><br><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Baba Haridas Om Purnam, featuring Karnamrita Dasi</a><br><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Johanna Beekman Om Shanti</a><br><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Jaya Lakshmi Om Purnam</a><br><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Shantala Purnamadah</a><br><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Tim Jordan Asatoma</a><br>