tSE 003 - Biology Babe Discusses Cancer Woo

The Science Enthusiast Podcast show

Summary: Science Enthusiast Podcast 003: Biology Babe discusses cancer woo Full notes:http://ascienceenthusiast.com/ep003/ A rant: Harambe killed after 4 year old falls into enclosure Guest: Lauren from Biology Babe! Lauren is a cancer researcher, so we talked about immunology and cancer woo with her! Lauren has written for our site, too! Links/articles relevant to the discussion: The Three Es of Cancer Immunoediting Targeting Cancer with Genetically Engineered PoliovirusAmerican Cancer Society: Immunotherapy Mercola settles for $5.3 million for lying about reducing cancer risk (while actually increasing the risk) We also asked her questions sourced from our discussion group: The Science Enthusiasts!