tSE 011 - Jayson Merkley of Vegan GMO

The Science Enthusiast Podcast show

Summary: Science Enthusiast Podcast 011 - Jayson Merkley of Vegan GMOHosts Natalie Newell (Skeptical Parenting) and Dan Broadbent (A Science Enthusiast): Login to access this episode's bonus-level content! Disclaimer: Does Trump even know where the Ukraine is? Sponsor: Jill Stein thinks wifi is dangerous and panders to conspiracy theorists. God of the week:Inara: The Middle-Eastern Protection Goddess - Protector of Wild Animals Interview: Jayson Merkley! Jayson is the Director of Vegan GMO, an organization that advocates for a rational approach toward biotechnology as tool to reduce suffering and improve quality of life for humans and animals. He’s a 20