Robinson Crusoe on Mars : Episode 57 - decipher SciFi : the show about how and why

decipher SciFi : the show about how and why show

Summary: Stream the movie:<br><br> <a href=";mt=6" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">iTunes<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a> | <a href=";qid=1474937045&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=robinson+crusoe+on+mars&amp;tag=decsci05-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Amazon<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> Robinson Crusoe on Mars<br> What: Robinson Crusoe… on Mars!<br><br> Directed by: Byron Haskin<br><br> Starring: Adam West, Paul Mantee, Victor Lundin<br> Recommended and Related Media<br> <br> The Martian<br><br> Matt Damon is pretty much Robinson Crusoe…. on Mars! But without more humor, and less slavery.<br><br> Get the thing <a href=";mt=6" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">iTunes<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a> | <a href=";qid=1474949519&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=the+martian&amp;tag=decsci05-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Amazon<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> Our podcast episode about The Martian<br><br> Space settlement sciencey bits, water on mars, other things. Our episode on the movie above! It’s good.