Episode 2: Switching to High Carb and Healing Leaky Gut

The Ancestral RDs Podcast show

Summary: Thanks for joining us for our second episode of The Ancestral RD podcast! We're planning to publish every two weeks and will hopefully nail down a consistent day of the week to publish once we determine a schedule for production. If you want to keep up with our podcasts, subscribe in iTunes and never miss an episode! Remember, if you'd like to submit a question for our new podcast, or suggest a guest that we should host, CLICK HERE. Here's what Laura and Kelsey will be discussing in this episode: Due to crazy GI distress from paleo, is there any reason a plant-based, carb heavy diet might be unhealthy long term? Can leaky gut really be healed without expensive supplements? Seems a lot of health issues track back to that, and hope would be appreciated... Links Discussed: Green Pastures Fermented Cod Liver Oil Probiotic Chart ($15 for purchase, but lots of free resources too!)