Guitar Lesson 14b: Using the dorian mode and some 'shredtastic' improvisations

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Summary: Website: Support page: After looking at the scales and the notes of the scales in detail, I wanted to return to look at how modes are constructed and the feel that they give when used well. PART 1 – The first of a four-part lesson of modes. Lesson 14a includes an introduction and rationale, followed by a focus on the mixolydian mode, including some hints and applications and some playing by Dan and myself over backing tracks. PART 2 – In Lesson 14b we look at another very commonly used mode – the dorian mode. As the rationale and use of this mode is slightly more accessible than the mixolydian we tend to get stuck straight into improvising over relevant backing tracks this time round. Keep listening for Guitar Lesson 15 – where Dan and I will return to look at the other modes which we have not covered in Guitar Lesson 14.