It's Real (Episode 20): Life After Death

It's Real Talk Radio show

Summary: What does death behold? That's a thought that has crossed most people's minds at some point in their lives I mean how could you NOT think about that right? There are many different beliefs, thoughts, and myths about what happens when you leave this life. This is something that has been discussed and debated since the beginning of man. As you know mankind is by far the most curious species known to existence and there's no greater nor more challenging question to ask than what happens when it's all said and done. As curious as we all are about what life after death beholds I don't think any of us are ready to find out for ourselves anytime soon so meanwhile let's hope science has a big breakthrough and makes the biggest discovery in human history. Until that day comes, we'll just continue to have discussions like this and debate amongst each other on what we think happens during the afterlife. If this is something you also wonder then tonight's show is where you need to be. Once again this is gonna make for a very interesting the discussion so make sure you catch the action.