Do You Trust Donald Trump As The 45th President Of The United States?

It's Real Talk Radio show

Summary: On Friday, January 20th, Donald Trump was officially sworn in as the 45th President of the United States Of America. After running one of the most controversial campaigns in United States history and even losing the Popular Vote by an estimated 2 Million Voters to what would've been the first female President in Hillary Clinton, Donald J. Trump has pulled off one of the biggest upsets in the history of United States politics. He has made a ton of promises to the American citizens (with which seems to be a focus on 'Blue Collard' Americans) and now it's time for him to deliver. Protests have continued to take place showing that Trump isn't as liked and beloved as he may of liked to be but we all know he has himself to thank for that because of how he has run his campaign. Nonetheless, he is the Commander & Chief of the Free World and he plays a vital role in the future of America for the next 4 years. Do you think Donald Trump will live up to all of his promises and help get the economy back on track? Do you think Donald Trump will change his behavior and try to be more strategic about how he communicates so he won't come off as hateful and racist? Let's not forget the Inauguration just happened. What were your thoughts on that? We'll be sharing our thoughts on these topics and more, so don't miss out. #ItJustGotReal Facebook: Facebook: Twitter: #ItJustGotReal Call In # 347-838-9540