Babies Having Babies

It's Real Talk Radio show

Summary: Tonight on It's Real Talk Radio, we'll be discussing under aged girls having babies. We've even seen cases where girls as young as 11 are getting pregnant. That's right, 11! 11 YEAR OLDS ARE MIDDLE SCHOOLERS! This brings up tons of questions like what type of parenting is occuring at home and why these children are bold enough to take such a risk. But do you necessarily blame the parents in these types of situations? Even the best of parents can't monitor their children 24/7. So what do you do to try an prevent this happening to your 14 year old daughter? We've all been teens before and understand that once puberty hits, horomones start to sky rocket. Most adults struggle to gain self control of their actions when their horomones start raging, so is it fair to expect teenagers to act responsible when theirs rage? Does coming from a broken family play a crucial role in these outcomes? Are shows that endorse young pregnancies like "16 & Pregnant" to blame? Is there anything that can be done to help drop the rate of teen pregnancies? What if your 14 year old daughter was pregnant? Would you allow her to drop out of school and become a fulltime mom, or would you take on the added responsibility of watching and providing for the child, all while still working and whatever else you have going on in your social life, for the greater good of your daughter's education and for her to maintain a social life. Some think that a teen mom maintaining a social life with her peers is crucial in helping prevent depression and a serious meltdown. Do you agree and are you willing to make that ultimate sacrifice for your child? Here's the big one: Would you persuade or try to force your teenaged pregnant daughter to have an abortion? It's time to have a real talk with real people and there's no better place to do that then here on "It's Real Talk Radio."