SGJ Podcast #205 – Remnants of the Precursors

Space Game Junkie Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to this latest episode of the Space Game Junkie Podcast my friends! This week, <a href="">Jim</a>, <a href="">Hunter</a>, Spaz and I welcome Ray Fowler, developer of <a href="">Remnants of the Precursors</a>! If you’re unaware, Remnants of the Precursors (formerly JavaMOO) is an homage/update to Master of Orion 1, not 2, which is what EVERYONE ELSE is trying to do. ;) We talk to Ray about the history of the project, why the original Master of Orion is the better game (it is), the ups and down (shockingly mostly ups) of releasing a game for free and much more. It’s a really fun and lively discussion, and hey even the stream worked much of the time! Huzzah! We had a great time talking to Ray, and we hope you have as great a time listening.<br> Next week on the show, we’ll be talking to the folks behind the (as of yesterday, successfully, yay!) Kickstarting space station sim, <a href="" class="broken_link">Astrobase Command</a>! As always, if you have a question or comment, please drop them below, email us at <a href=""></a> or hit us up on <a href="">the forums</a>. Also, finally, the recent contest is closed! Thanks to everyone who entered, and I’ll be contacting folks soon, I’ve just been so busy, sorry.<br> <br> Show Notes<br> Miscellaneous Items<br> <br> * 4X Gaming Podcast<br> <br> Games Mentioned<br> <br> * Master of Orion<br> * Dominus Galaxia/Beyond Beyaan<br> * Free Orion<br> * Master of Orion 2<br> * Master of Orion 3<br> * Master of Orion 2016<br> * Ascendancy<br> * Stellaris<br> * Pandora: First Contact<br> * Galactic Civilization III<br> * Drox Operative<br> * Distant Worlds<br> * PULSAR: Lost Colony<br> * Space Base DF9<br> <br>