Sprite Castle 000: Introduction

Sprite Castle show

Summary: Welcome to “Sprite Castle 3.0,” aka “Sprite Castle the Audio Podcast!” This 15 minute episode is a brief introduction to the show which explains who I am and what you can expect from future episodes.<br> [Links]<br> Sprite Castle’s <a href="http://thegaschamber.robohara.com">Official Forum</a><br> Sprite Castle’s <a href="http://www.SpriteCastle.com/?feed=rss2">RSS Feed</a><br> Sprite Castle’s <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/sprite-castle/id827251255">iTunes Feed</a><br> Sprite Castle’s <a href="http://stitcher.com/s?fid=45520&amp;refid=stpr">Stitcher Feed</a><br> Sprite Castle’s Voice Mailbox: 405-486-YDKF<br> Sprite Castle is a proud member of the <a href="http://www.throwbacknetwork.com">ThrowbackNetwork</a>. Find more Throwback podcasts by following <a href="https://twitter.com/ThrowbackNet">@ThrowbackNet</a> on Twitter.<br>