Episode 416 – the inconsequential

Fear the Boot, RPG Podcast show

Summary: * (0:24) The Mic-er Conspiracy, and editing what people say.<br> * (2:26) Dan has a story!<br> * (10:12) How Dan’s story ties into gaming. The <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/feartheboot/permalink/10154083489368585/">Facebook thread</a> on the topic. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chekhov%27s_gun">Chekhov’s Gun</a>.<br> * (15:24) The difference in how we search for meaning in life versus how we do so in an RPG.<br> * (19:21) A tangent about Tarantino and the Rules of Eating in cinema. Everyday events that don’t matter to the plot.<br> * (22:15) Brodeur’s counterpoint: Events need to further the game.<br> * (26:04) Chekhov’s Candy Sticks.<br> * (33:13) Why do people drop things? <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nowhere_Man_(TV_series)">Nowhere Man</a>. The distinction between Chad and Dan putting detail in their games.<br> * (44:51) Dan visits a casino in D&amp;D 5E.<br> * (46:13) There are five: The rivers Styx, Lethe, Acheron, Cocyteus, and Phlegethon – Hate, Oblivion, Sadness, Lamentation, and Fire. Dan yells at an undead boat driver.<br> * (52:38) Conclusions on the incidental. What interviewing an NPC is all about for new listeners.<br> Hosts: Brodeur, Chad, Dan, Wayne<br>