#PodcastWednesdays (@PodcastWeds) – S4,E3 – #JusticeForTrayvon Vs #JusticeForPublicSchools

iRadio OnDemand Podcast Network show

Summary: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/usc8TGS.jpg"></a><br> DFWBMKXCKUCS<br> <br> A group of VERY angry black people convene just hours after the George Zimmerman verdict was handed down to express our anger in a healthy way... Sort of... This episode features the good folks of the Sela collective<br> Also Follow Support us on Instagram<br> <a href="http://instagram.com/podcastweds"></a><br> @PodcastWeds<br> Topics Discussed: Amadou Diallo | Oscar Grant | Social media revolution? | Zo Weekend | MMA/UFC Ground &amp; Pound | Posession is 9/10ths of the law | Fruitvale Station | Sandy Hook: Fake | Egypt Revolt: Fake? | Radical Muslim Groups: Fake? | Flash Amorosos | Build a school or buy some Jordans? | Inter-Racism | Philadelphia's $400 million prison and 30+ school closings | The Butler (Movie) | Idris Elba as Nelson Mandela | <a href="https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1000703_483824268373538_1005403376_n.jpg"></a><br> Be sure to Follow Support US on Twitter: @PodcastWeds @Elle__Tee @HeavyAsHeaven84 @KevPodcast @King_Spit <br> <a href="http://a396.idata.over-blog.com/300x170/4/52/62/40/Worst-Race-Riot-In-History-Was-By-Whites.jpg"></a><br> This weeks musical interludes provided by:<br> 1. Lupe Fiasco - Dope Francis (American Trap)<br> 2. Chance The Rapper - Juice<br> 3. Kendrick Lamar - Control Feat Big Sean (whose song it is) &amp; Jay Electronica-Rothschild<br>  <br> <a href="http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-am-not-a-rapper/id492425017" target="_blank">YOU CAN NOW SUBSCRIBE TO #PODCASTWEDNESDAYS ON iTUNES!!! CLICK HERE</a><br> <a href="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-c-XwiQ3wRTg/UcuKWRYwWqI/AAAAAAAAZ5E/y-cJohep9Ow/s640/Twitter+threats.jpg"></a><br> <br> <a href="http://www.facebook.com/podcastwednesdays" target="_blank">Facebook.com/PodcastWednesdays</a><br> <a href="http://i.imgur.com/hIIEJ.jpg"></a>