FL 30 – How Starting an Online Business Can Improve Your Relationships

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary:  <br> <br> In today’s podcast we are going to show you how to start your online business and improve your relationships at the same time.<br> <br> Working together has  been such a blessing for me and Jocelyn. Not only do we get to spend more time together, but we get to spend more time with the people we care about most.<br> <br> You will also learn how:<br> <br> Our relationship got started, and how Shane "proposed" to Jocelyn<br> Online business changed our family's future<br> Having an online business has improved our marriage<br> Online business let us spend spend more time with our kids and friends<br> Our business helped us take back our personal lives<br> <br> Enjoy the podcast; we hope it inspires you to explore what’s possible for your family!<br> <br> Listen to what others are saying about Flipped Lifestyle<br> <br> Click here to leave us an iTunes review and subscribe to the show! We may read yours on the air!<br> Links and resources mentioned in today’s show<br> <br> Flip Your Life eCourse<br> Want to be on our Flipped Podcast? Apply here!<br> Listen to our podcast on How to work with your partner, without killing each other<br> <br> Thank you for listening! Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show!<br> <br> Share on Facebook<br> <br> Share on Twitter<br> <br> If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post. See y’all next week!<br> Can’t Miss Moments<br> Each week Jocelyn and I share moments that we might have missed if we had not started our online business. We hope these moments inspire you to see the possibilities and freedom online business could provide for your family.<br> <br> <br> Can’t listen right now? Read the transcript below!<br> JOCELYN: Hey y'all. On today's podcast, we're going to talk about how starting an online business can improve your relationships. [spoiler]<br> <br> SHANE: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast, where life always comes before work. We’re your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. Join us each week as we teach you how to flip your lifestyle upside down by selling stuff online. Are you ready for something different? All right, let’s get started.<br> <br> What's going on guys! Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. It is always great to be back with you for our Tuesday episode of the podcast. This our longer  podcast. We would like to just talk about things that were on our mind or things that we think will help you start your online business. Want towards everybody a Happy Valentine's Day! This weekend I'm sure you all have romantic evenings planned and...<br> <br> JOCELYN: Sort of like this.<br> <br> SHANE: Or we have no plans.<br> <br> JOCELYN: Not really.<br> <br> SHANE: Because we don't really do that. Jocelyn and I are not particularly romantic. Okay? I wouldn't exactly say we're a, dropping flowers and candy and teddy bears of each other every week like that. You know?  We've never been into that kind of stuff, but we know that some people are and we hope you have a great Valentines Day.<br> <br> And I will say this, starting an online business did have a powerful side effect. Not only  were we able to have more control over our time, make more money and really improve our finances. But having an online business has really improved our relationship. Not just without each other in our marriage, but also with our kids, with our friends, our family and our personal life. And it's just really magnified all of those relationships in our lives.<br> <br> So in honor of Valentines Day and all the love and romance. It's in the air this week.