QA 81 – Amy Schmittauer Answers “How Long Should my Youtube Videos Be?”

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: In today’s Q&amp;A, we are helping Brad figure out how long he should make his Youtube videos for maximum impact and effectiveness for his audience.<br> <br> Do you have a question you want answered on our podcast? We would love to help you!<br> Click here to ask your question!<br> <br> [Tweet "Just get to the point! @schmittastic"]<br> Resources Mentioned in this Episode<br> <br> Today’s expert is Amy from<br> Amy on Youtube<br> Amy’s Podcast<br> <br> Let’s dive into this week’s question!<br> JOCELYN: Hey y’all! You’re listening to a Q&amp;A with S&amp;J.<br> <br> Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast, where life always comes before work. We’re your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. Join us, each week, as we teach you how to flip your lifestyle upside-down, by selling stuff online. Are you ready for something different? All right, let’s get started.<br> <br> SHANE: What’s going on guys? Welcome back to the Expert Q&amp;A with S&amp;J. This is where members of our Flip Your Life community get to submit questions about their online business and we go find answers from the best experts online. Jocelyn and I are always upfront and say we do not have all the answers but, we do know where to go find them. Today’s question is about video and there is nobody else on the planet that I would rather ask a video question to than our guest today; it is Amy Schmittauer. Amy, welcome to the show.<br> <br> AMY: Well hello, what a kind, kind thing to say Shane.<br> <br> SHANE: We have a lot of love for Amy Schmittauer; I’m just saying.<br> <br> AMY: What a stroke for the ego<br> <br> SHANE: That’s right, exactly. Bring the value now, bring the value to us.<br> <br> JOCELYN: And some people, you know, we give them the questions ahead of time but not Amy.<br> <br> SHANE: Not Amy –<br> <br> JOCELYN: She’s such a pro –<br> <br> SHANE: She’s so good, we said, you know what, we’re just gonna drop the bomb on her.<br> <br> AMY: And if people send me questions in advance, I’m like, oh, I feel like I’m studying for a test.<br> <br> SHANE: I know.<br> <br> AMY: I can’t do it. Just on the fly, I’ll have the answers.<br> <br> SHANE: That’s right, organic. Everything is organic right here.<br> <br> AMY: Totally.<br> <br> SHANE: Really we just have no time to prep but that’s beside the point. All right Jocelyn, let’s go with today’s question.<br> <br> JOCELYN: All right, today’s question is from Brad, one of our Flip Your Life members, and Brad says, “How long should my videos be? All the videos I watch on YouTube seem to be long, but a lot of experts say you should keep it short. Which one is it and what works best?”<br> <br> SHANE: This is very confusing because – it is true, when I read this question, I was like you know, that’s true; seems like I’m always trying to learn something that’s like 20-minute videos. But then I always hear, “Three to five minutes, get it out there and get it quick” kinda deal. So what do you think about that?<br> <br> AMY: Well it’s funny – Brad, really, really good question because that’s absolutely right. We are constantly kind of fielding the search results to find the video that’s going to be best for us in that moment and no one is saying, “Man, I really hope I find a solid 25-minute video on this.”<br> <br> SHANE: That’s right.<br> <br> AMY: No one is doing that. Now, it depends on the situation, it depends on the content; I mean, if it’s an intense tutorial, then maybe you do need every minute of that. But I tend to tell people, you know, if you’re creating informational content on YouTube, you really want to be between two and five minutes. If you think about the fact that you can inject so much copy into your headline, your description, your tags and you can rank really well for something; but if you end up on the results page with a video that’...