QA 82 – Rick Mulready Answers “What are the best platforms to buy ads on?”

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: In today’s Q&amp;A, we are helping Tony figure out if Facebook is the best paid advertising platform to be spending money on or if there are other good places to be putting ads on.<br> <br> Do you have a question you want answered on our podcast? We would love to help you!<br> Click here to ask your question!<br> <br> [Tweet "Learn what ad platform aligns with your business. @rickmulready"]<br> Resources Mentioned in this Episode<br> <br> Today’s expert is Rick Mulready from<br> Art of Paid Traffic Podcast<br> Rick’s Facebook Ads Course<br> Perfect Audience<br> Adroll<br> Veeroll - Youtube Targeting<br> <br> Let’s dive into this week’s question!<br> JOCELYN: Hey y’all! You’re listening to an Expert Q&amp;A with S&amp;J. Today’s expert is paid traffic specialist, Rick Mulready of<br> <br> Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast, where life always comes before work. We’re your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. Join us, each week, as we teach you how to flip your lifestyle upside-down, by selling stuff online. Are you ready for something different? All right, let’s get started.<br> <br> SHANE: What’s going on guys? Welcome back to this week’s Expert Q&amp;A. We are super excited to have back on the show, one of my favorite online marketers; he is the paid traffic expert, Rick Mulready. Rick, welcome back man.<br> <br> RICK: Thanks guys, good to be back.<br> <br> SHANE: Rick is the expert we pick on the most too and when we bring him on the show, we don’t tell him what we’re going to ask him, we don’t give him any prep time, we’re just like, “Yeah, we’ll talk to you about one o'clock tomorrow.” So Jocelyn, give Rick his question for the first time today.<br> <br> JOCELYN: All right, here we go. This question is from Tony Romala, I hope I said that right Tony. Tony says, “I hear you guys talk a lot about Facebook advertising for paid adverts.”<br> <br> SHANE: He must be from Briton; we got a British guy going on here.<br> <br> JOCELYN: We love our international audience. It says, “Do you ever spend money on other paid traffic and if so, where else can you pay for advertising to get good traffic to your website? Is Facebook always the best?”<br> <br> SHANE: This is a very interesting question; we’ve spent money on Twitter, Facebook and sparingly on Google for keywords. So we’ve been kind of researching this ourselves, testing the waters; I know you’re big into Facebook, I know you started – you basically grew your audience on Facebook ads but I know you talk a lot about other places too. Where should people be spending their money? I mean, everyone talks about Facebook but gosh; there are so many other platforms. Where are good places to spend money on advertising, and like what reason would you go away from Facebook which is such a good profit generator?<br> <br> RICK: I actually would not go away and of course I’m biased, but I really wouldn’t go away from Facebook. Now, when it comes to paid traffic, it’s all about testing. So you just have to be testing different platforms and you know, Facebook, there’s almost 1.4 billion people on Facebook now, almost a billion of which are on there every single day. I mean, your target audience is on there, regardless of what niche you’re in, or if you’re B2B or B2C, your audience is going to be on there in some fashion. It all comes down to targeting and what your offer is, and having what that – having a clear plan of what that strategy is there. So I would recommend definitely if you’re not already checking out Facebook ads, do test there. But for the other platforms, it really comes down to what aligns most with your business. Outside of Facebook ads, I’m probably most excited about two things: number one, retargeting and you mentioned that you guys have done, you know, some Google from a keyword perspective but you can also do really cool retargeting from ...