April 2017 - Azithromycin

Arizona EMCast show

Summary: Happy April Everyone!   April’s podcast is in the can or rather in the pak . . . the Z-pak that is. This month we discuss the pros, cons, risks, benefits, myths and folklore surrounding our patients’ favorite drug, Azithromycin. Easy to write for, easy to take, questionable efficacy, potential harm, anti-inflammatory effects and antiviral properties? There are a lot new ideas on azithromycin that may need be considered and a lot of old ones that may need to be abandoned. Thanks to our fantastic ED pharmacist Chris Edwards for providing some validity to our little show. My apologies that the recording is not up to par this month, but on the other hand the educational value is average!   And beware of flocks of turkeys . . . they’re everywhere in this episode. Aaron, Jarrod, Brian and Chris Peer Review by Dr. Casey Solem