Episode 3. Mary Jane/THC, working with injuries, upcoming challenges, working for Fighter Diet, live contender call/chat and learning to suck it up military-style…

'No BS' with Pauline Nordin show

Summary: <br> In this episode Pauline discusses THC as a synergist to a fit &amp; healthy life, the upcoming challenges, the new 'Military Challenge', how to train with and around injuries, how to tell the difference between hurt and injured, what it's like to work as a Fighter Diet employee and so much more...<br> <br> <br> Welcome to NO BS with Pauline Nordin. Founder and President of Fighter Diet, Pauline discusses fitness, muscle and health related topics to give you the motivation and inspiration you need to get fit for life!  -with Pauline Nordin and Jeff Bosley<br> <br>  <br> <br>