GRRL027: Depression & (the lack of) DIY spaces with Diana Regan

Grrl on Grrl: intersectional and trans-inclusive music & interview show show

Summary: For episode 27, I interviewed Oakland-based solo artist Diana Regan, who records and releases her music straight from her home! In the episode, we talk about the stories behind her songs and our process transposing and performing our songs in different instruments--in her case, ukulele to guitar; for me, ukulele to piano. We also touch on the Ghost Ship warehouse fire in Oakland last year, and how DIY spaces and communities like that saved Diana in her younger years. Not-so-fun fact: I originally interviewed Diana in early 2016 but because of technical difficulties, I had to scrap the interview. Fortunately Diana was willing to sit down with me for a SECOND interview. Thanks to Diana for her patience! Content Warning: We talk extensively about dealing with depression, and also have mentions of self-harm, addiction, and trauma.