Giant Rock: Chad Meek Was Abducted By Aliens & He Wants To Share Their Message

Cara Jones Speaks show

Summary: I have always been interested in the topic of Aliens and if we have ever been visited by these other worldly creatures. When I had the opportunity to interview <a href="">Chad C. Meek</a>, who’s family was instrumental in the 1950’s U.F.O movement, I was interested in finding out more about his experiences.<br> Chad is the nephew of <a href="">George Van Tassel </a> the famous alien contactee who held the first ongoing spacecraft conventions in the high desert at a place called Giant Rock, and who also coined the term “channeling” to distinquish this form of communication from that used by spirit mediums.<br> I never expected to find out in our interview that my son’s vision of heaven was the vision that Chad had in a near death experience. Having never heard of that particular vision before you can only imagine my shock to find out that Chad had captured my son’s vision in his book. Do you believe in Aliens or life after death? If so, you will love this interview!<br>