3 Points of Light - Kathrina Kasha Peterson

      IntuiTalks Network Broadcasts

Summary: <p>Kathrina is a holistic and complementary healthcare practitioner as well as awareness teacher who leads you to discover and explore movement in your sensing, acting and feeling. Through presence, clarity and hands-on healing, she facilitates individuals to be more awake to themselves. She offer a fountain where neuroscience, psychology, biology, movement, energy medicine and spirituality meet.</p> <p>Kathrina’s interest in the body-mind-spirit connection has its roots in her childhood. Kathrina mother was a natural healer in the Philippines and as a child,she often was around watching and assisting during her mother with treatments. Having parents from two cultures was fertile ground for her perceiving of differences, similarities and connections.</p> <p><span><span>http://angelmeadows.intuitalks.com/my-show/</span></span></p>