SGJ Podcast #198 – Skywanderers

Space Game Junkie Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to episode 198 of the SJG podcast my friends! This week, <a href="">Jim</a> (sadly he was ill and couldn’t join us), <a href="">Hunter</a> and I sit down with Francois (tsunamayo) and Ray (Raiben), developer and faction designer respectfully of the upcoming building and exploration game, <a href="">Skywanderers</a>! I knew a little bit about the game going in, but little did I know just how awesome is the plan for it. Beyond the aforementioned building aspect of the game, it’s also primarily focused on exploration, which I am SUPER KEEN on. It was a very lively discussion in which, by the end, my excitement for the game was ramped up tenfold. It was an awesome show, I think.<br> Next week on the show, we’re gonna do a game-focused show that will hopefully open us up to a larger topic. One of my least favorite Star Trek games is <a href="">Starfleet Academy</a>, as I feel it encompasses everything that’s wrong about Star Trek gaming in one game. Well, we’ll talk about that game, what much of Star Trek gaming gets wrong, and what it needs to do to get it right.<br> Don’t forget we also still have a contest running! If you leave us a (hopefully positive) review on iTunes, you’ll be entered for a chance to win one of the many game codes I have, from the entire Wing Commander series on GOG to all of the X-Wing games on Steam. Once you’ve left a review, screenshot it and email it to <a href=""></a>! The contest runs for a few more weeks, so get on it! Every ten entries adds another winner, so ten entries will yield one winner, twenty entries, two winners, etc.<br> If you have any questions or comments, you can drop them below, email us at <a href=""></a> or hit us up on the forums. Thanks for listening/watching y’all!<br> <br> Show Notes<br> Miscellaneous Items<br> <br> * <a href="">Skywanderers Discord</a><br> * <a href="" class="broken_link">Skywanderers Subreddit</a><br> <br> Games Mentioned<br> <br> * Diablo II<br> * Space Engineers<br> * Interstellar Rift<br> * Avorion<br> * StarMade<br> * Elite: Dangerous<br> * Freelancer<br> * Discovery Mod for Freelancer<br> * Freespace 2<br> * Star Citizen<br> <br>