AvPGalaxy Podcast 06: Alien Encounters Part 2

AvPGalaxy show

Summary: <p>First off, I’d just like to apologize for the huge delay in the release of this podcast. It was originally recorded in October, not long after the <a href="http://www.avpgalaxy.net/website/articles/alien-encounters-report/">Aliens Encounter: 25 Years of Aliens Convention</a> but personal issues delayed it. Quite a delay, if I do say so myself. Anywho, without further delay, here is episode 6!</p> <p class="center"><audio>Your browser does not support the audio tag.</audio></p> <p><a href="/files/podcasts/avpg_pc_episode6.mp3">Episode #6</a> includes an interview with Trevor Steedman, the man behind the marine Wierzbowski and with Andrew David Clark, regarding the 25 Years of Aliens Conventions. You can listen to (or download) the <a href="http://www.avpgalaxy.net/website/podcasts/">rest of our podcasts here</a>.</p> <strong>Subscribe</strong> <p>[<a href="http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/avpgalaxy-podcast/id454059519" target="_blank">iTunes</a>] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes.<br> [<a href="/feed/podcast/">RSS</a>] Add the AvPGalaxy Podcast feed to your RSS aggregator. </p>