DARK SIDE #131 - Bedroom Only Kink / D/s

The Dark Side show

Summary: THE DARK SIDE BDSM EDUCATIONAL PODCAST DARK SIDE #131 - Bedroom Only Kink / D/sWith a little help - we (DA and KnotNice) want to peek into the topic of Bedroom only kink and Bedroom only D/s. We started a Topic on Fet Life and you - our listeners chipped in regarding the following discussion on kink and D/s JUST in the bedroom; Is it just sexual for you?Why are you only interested in exploring bedroom kink and/or bedroom D/s behind closed doors?Are you active in your local R/L BDSM Community (Munches etc)?Do you think you will eventually expand your lifestyle or does bedroom kink and/or bedroom D/s satisfy all of your hungers?Name/describe (if you dare) what you like to do in the confines of your bedroom. _____________________________ Sponsor: The Dark Side Educational Podcast ProjectLink: FetLife Discussion_____________________________ Please support the  Dark Side Educational Podcast Project - An Indiegogo campaign for our listeners to assist -  to re-build and upgrade our Studio - to continue producing quality educational podcasts for our loyal listeners.The Dark Side is FREE to get and share with others; * Listen OR Download at TDS Webpage The Dark Side is also available on I-Tunes - please listen as well as rate us !