Freedom Is Cool with Michelle “Fiya Angelou” Allen

Cool Soror with Rashan Ali show

Summary: Michelle Allen is a Cool Soror of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and joins the show today.  This educator, doctoral student, motivational speaker, podcaster, feminist, academic &amp; DJ from Atlanta, GA.  She describes herself as the following:<br> <br> “Fiya Angelou is the hypothetical love child of Carter G. Woodson and Nicki Minaj. She is the mashup of Negro Spirituals and Organized Noize.  Fiya Angelou is Nina Simone’s soul lyrics over crunk music bass lines.”<br> <br> Influenced by Maya Angelou (hence her moniker), Michelle has so many beautiful layers that she shares with us during this episode.  After graduating from Savannah State University, she worked in corporate America at Exxon.  When the recession hit, she went back to school to get her MBA at Georgia Southern University but later changed her path.  A life-changing conversation with her mentor encouraged her to pursue a Master’s in Education.  She knew education was a part of her journey.<br> <br>  “Educator” to Michelle looks different than the traditional word. She teaches as a podcaster for two shows: “For The Culture” and “Henn And Apple Juice.”  She teaches the importance and relevancy of Black Feminism, LGBTQ advocacy, cultural awareness and her fight to become her best self after being diagnosed with ADD in her adult life.  She  is an Enrichment Teacher for 21st Century Community Centers. These are only a few of her layers.  There are several that will intrigue you.<br> <br> Michelle is very intentional.  She is a subject matter expert.  She loves herself unapologetically.  She is absolutely free because as she states in this episode, “Freedom Is Cool.”<br> And Fiya Angelou is just that.<br> <br> Social Media:<br> @fiyaangelou<br> <a href=""></a>