GRRL023: unexpected double standards and “women in music” tropes, featuring the Fictitious Dishes

Grrl on Grrl: intersectional and trans-inclusive music & interview show show

Summary: All four members of the Fictitious Dishes (Taryn, Liz, Maggie, and Jacquie) join me on this episode of Grrl on Grrl to talk about whether or not to expect people to pay for their music, the possibilities of working with a producer, some conflicting messages from showgoers when Taryn's husband Hugh (of Slum Summer) filled in for Liz, and double standards and confusion in feminism and music. This is the first time I recorded more than 2 people on separate mics. It needs some work, but I definitely learned a lot and I have some goals to reach the level of quality I really want in the future. For now, I hope I fixed the levels enough in post that you can hear everybody well! Grrl on Grrl is now back on its biweekly schedule. Are you excited? I'm excited. Relieved and excited. Thanks for listening!