Ep.24: Electromagnetic Frequency and Your Vibration

Your High Vibration Life Podcast – GreenSmoothieGirl show

Summary: For the next three episodes, we’re going to talk about a really important topic that is invisible, that you might be completely unaware of, and that might be one of the most low-hanging fruit things that you can possibly do to improve both your health, your mood and your happiness. That is, we are talking about EMF; electromagnetic frequency. This force is all around us more than ever before with our increased use of electronic devices and wireless transmissions. And more and more studies are showing the effects that these frequencies are having on our health.Electromagnetic pollution (EMF) is now proven to cause mutation of cells and cancer.<br> Many exposed to radiation from our electronics report difficulties in focus and completing tasks, headaches, loss of energy, and feeling unwell. People in the Western world are carrying more devices than imaginable even 10 years ago, and the increase in EMF is happening far faster than safety studies can keep up with. Dirty electricity can cause cancer and diabetes, and the World Health Organization, the FCC, and the FDA have also issued warnings and classified EMF as a carcinogen.<br> In the next 3 episodes you will learn all about EMF’s and how they are affecting your health. You will also learn what you can do to protect yourself from overexposure to these damaging frequencies but at the same time function in this modern world.<br> LINKS AND RESOURCES:<br> Get your 5 pack of xZubi 40% off <a href="https://greensmoothiegirl.com/emf/xzubi/">HERE!</a><br> Grab your <a href="https://greensmoothiegirl.com/emf/">EMF Action Plan!</a><br> Check out my video and blog <a href="http://greensmoothiegirl.com/2017/02/23/is-emf-making-you-sick/">HERE</a> where I dive deeper into EMF<br> TRANSCRIPTION<br> <br>