93: Network Your Way to The Top!

Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth show

Summary: Say it however you like, “the size of your income is directly related to size of your rolodex”, “it’s not what you know it’s who you know”…<br> <br> Having a strong network is incredibly beneficial.<br> <br> But, how do you build one?<br> <br> First and foremost, you have to be clear on who you want in your network.<br> <br> Who are the people who inspire you? Who are the big names in your niche?<br> <br> From there, think, “How can I add value to these people?”.<br> <br> Try putting yourself in their shoes for a moment and ask, “what’s in it for me”?<br> <br> In our case, we put together a virtual summit, featuring over 25 top entrepreneurs as the speakers.<br> <br> Each one of these speakers is going to get exposed to an entirely new audience, who could one day become a new client or customer.<br> <br> For you, think about what your gift is? What are you uniquely capable of doing or providing that high-level centers of influence need?<br> <br> If it turns out you don’t feel like you’re currently capable of delivering anything they may need, then learn a new skill that you know they can benefit from.<br> <br> Here’s your action step…<br> <br> Make a list of 15-20 influential people in the niche you’re in or the niche you want to be in and start reaching out to them.<br> <br> If you don’t have some names on your list that make you nervous to reach out to, then you’re not aiming high enough.<br> <br> Challenge yourself! It’s the only way to grow, get better, and make more!<br> <br> And, definitely don’t miss the FREE Life on Fire Virtual Summit!<br> <br> Just go to LifeOnFireVirtualSummit.com and register today!<br> <br> Digging Life on Fire TV? If so, we would greatly appreciate you writing a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and leave us a 5-star rating!<br> <br> Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You ROCK!