100: The 6-Figure Profit Plan With Facebook Advertising & Webinars

Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth show

Summary: <br> Audio Only Version<br> <br> I’m so excited to bring you my session of the Life on Fire Virtual Summit, which I’ve titled, “The 6-Figure Profit Plan”, which is all about how to generate income with Facebook Advertising &amp; Webinars.<br> <br> This session is one of over 25 free sessions we’re bringing you as part of the Life on Fire Virtual Summit.<br> <br> If you aren’t already subscribed, make sure you subscribe to our podcast on iTunes to get all of the replays!<br> <br> A big part of the reason we’re doing all this is to help build schools for underprivileged children around the world who don’t have access the public education like most of us do.<br> <br> As an incentive to help us with this cause, we have donated our $997 “Product Launch on Fire” course, along with John Lee Dumas’s “Ignite Your Webinar” training, Brian Tracy’s Time Management and Leadership courses, Mike and Robin Pisciotta’s “List Building Machine” program, and several more to a package of training courses we’re calling the “Business on Fire Bundle”.<br> <br> These courses sell for over $6,000 separately.<br> <br> However, for a small donation of just $197 you can have them all!<br> <br> Get instant access and make your donation today at <a href="http://www.BusinessOnFireBundle.com" target="_blank">BusinessOnFireBundle.com</a>, and the proceeds from your donation are going to help build a school for needy children!<br> <br> And, now to dive into today’s session!<br> <br> More than anything else, what I see businesses struggle with the most is getting more leads.<br> <br> If businesses owners could solve that one problem, that would provide the fuel to solve virtually any other problems their business may face.<br> <br> Driving Facebook ads is a fantastic way to grow your business!<br> <br> We have seen clients add a million dollars of new revenue to their revenue using the exact strategy we’re teaching today!<br> <br> The 6-figure Facebook strategy will help you…<br> <br> <br> * Build your email list<br> * Create a “celebrity” like brand with your niche<br> * Be seen EVERYWHERE<br> * Substantially boost your “likes” (to increase social proof)<br> * Rapidly increase your income and live a life on Fire!<br> <br> If you to take an even deeper dive into Facebook ads, and learn how to master this skill so that you can add an additional 5, 6, or even 7-figures to your business this year…<br> <br> Then you’re definitely going to want to check out <a href="http://www.lifeonfire.wpengine.com/facebook" target="_blank">LifeOnFire.com/Facebook</a>.<br> <br> We’re putting on a live 4-week group training bootcamp, meant to coach you through learning the exact blueprint and process of how to run Facebook ads for your business.<br> <br> You’ll be learning on live webinars with me and my team, so you can ask questions and get feedback real time.<br> <br> You won’t find another business-building training out there like this!<br> <br> Registration is open for just a few more days!<br> <br> Grab one of the few remaining spots at <a href="http://www.lifeonfire.wpengine.com/facebook" target="_blank">LifeOnFire.com/Facebook</a> today!<br> If you found this Facebook session helpful and informative, please leave us a comment below!<br> Episode Resources<br> <a href="http://www.lifeonfire.wpengine.com/facebook" target="_blank">Facebook Training</a><br><br> <br><br> <a href="http://www.BusinessOnFireBundle.com" target="_blank">BusinessOnFireBundle.com</a><br><br> <br><br> <a href="http://www.LifeOnFireVirtualSummit.com" target="_blank">LifeOnFireVirtualSummit.com</a><br><br> <br><br> <a href="http://www.lifeonfire.wpengine.com/itunes" target="_blank">Subscribe to Life on Fire TV Podcast</a><br><br> <br><br> <a href="http://www.lifeonfire.wpengine.com/itunes" target="_blank">Write a Review in iTunes</a><br>