SMSF Podcast Show - Episode #11

TheDunnThing - SMSF Dunn Right show

Summary: <br> In the first of what will be a regular podcast with the ATO on SMSF issues, Aaron is in this episode joined by Nathan Burgess, Director of Tax &amp; Regulatory Risks for the SMSF Segment within the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to discuss the topical issue of SMSF Limited Recourse Borrowing Arrangements.<br> <br> <br> Aaron and Nathan discuss a broad range of issues within this LRBA topic, including:<br> <br> the heightened level of media coverage with LRBAs and how the ATO is risk assessing these arrangements;<br> what areas are attracting the interest of the Regulator; and<br> an update on the current legislative instrument (to be finalised) providing certainty around various in-house asset issues.<br> <br> This podcast provides some great insights into the ATO's current state of play on LRBAs, but more broadly evidencing a maturing SMSF sector.<br> <br> <br>