Toastcaster 49 - Humorous Speech Contest: Much Ado About Gadgets

Toastcaster Communication Leadership Learning Lab show

Summary: After almost a decade on the District 42 Executive, I decided, ok, maybe shamed, into competing in our District's Humorous Speech Contest. We have almost 290 clubs. After winning at the Club, Area and Division levels, I didn't win, but placed 3rd at District. <br> <br> I won't give too much away as to what it is about, but it involves Gadgets, Shakespeare and Frustration. <br> <br> Nevertheless, if you've never competed, I encourage you all to do so. In a future podcast, I will talk about the exercise I went through, but for now, enjoy the next 7 1/2 minutes or so. You can also find this video on YouTube.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>