DARK SIDE #128 - Canes

The Dark Side show

Summary: <a href="http://www.get-teased.ca/darkside.html">THE DARK SIDE BDSM EDUCATIONAL PODCAST</a> <br> <br> <br> <br> DARK SIDE #128 - Canes<br> <br> Dark Angel and KnotNice read 2 messages received from listeners - THANK YOU! - then DA &amp; KnotNice get down and dirty and discuss canes and caning. One of DA's favorite types of play - the podcast is over 2 hours long..<br> <br> Types of canes, materials, care of, thicknesses, and especially how to use them. Strike progression, Warm-up, ramp-up, ramp-down, corporal punishment, rythmic or drumming caning, cane flurries, safety, aftercare, as well as many other tricks and tips.<br>  _____________________________ <br> <br> <br> <br> Sponsor: <br> <a href="http://mbe2013.com/">Morpheous' Bondage Extravaganza</a><br> Saturday, October 05, 2013 · 6:51 PM – Sunday, October 06, 2013 · 6:51 AM, Toronto, Ontario. Canada<br> <br> <br> _____________________________ <br> <br> <br> <br> The Dark Side is FREE to get and share with others; * Listen OR Download at <a href="http://www.get-teased.ca/darkside.html">TDS Webpage</a> <br> The Dark Side is also available on I-Tunes - please listen as well as rate us !