Warp One, Engage! | SEGMENT 2 | #318

Popular Science Radio show

Summary: What exactly is a 'potentially habitable' exoplanet? Dr. Ian O'Neill (<a href="https://twitter.com/astroengine" target="_blank">@astroengine</a>) explains the methodology behind the search for Earth-like planets in nearby solar systems, and what we might be able to do if we find one with an atmosphere. <a href="http://www.ernlive.com/show/popular-science-radio/57/episodes/aliens-and-other-news-full-show-318" target="_blank">Listen to Full Episode #318</a> <a href="http://ern-wp-content.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/PS_062516_IHEART_02.mp3" target="_blank">Download Segment 2</a>