Ep. 19: What Makes Leaders Innovative?

Zenger Folkman Leadership Podcast show

Summary: <br> Innovation sets<br> organizations apart from their competitors. But how do you cultivate innovation<br> in leaders <br> and<br> teams? <br> <br> To<br> find out, we conducted our own study. We began by collaborating with a highly<br> respected organization in the telecommunications industry whose leaders scored<br> well above average on most managerial competencies. We interviewed each one,<br> together with their boss, and a number of their direct reports and peers. We<br> then combined the results of these group interviews with 360-degree feedback we<br> had about these individuals. The results were fascinating and gave us a list of<br> behaviors that set this group apart as innovation leaders.<br> <br> Please<br> join Dr. Jack Zenger and Dr. Joe Folkman for a glimpse into what drives<br> innovative behavior. The results of our research will be presented identifying<br> the 10 distinctive behaviors that emerge for the most innovative leaders. <br> <br> We’d<br> love for you to experience our award-winning leadership workshops in a city<br> near you.  We also invite you to join us<br> for our monthly webinars. To learn more, visit <a href="http://zengerfolkman.com/events">zengerfolkman.com/events</a>.<br> <br> <br> To listen to past podcast<br> episodes and view the notes for this episode, visit <a href="http://zengerfolkman.com/podcast">zengerfolkman.com/podcast</a>.<br> There you can also enter our <a href="http://leadership.zengerfolkman.com/acton/form/10129/000d:d-0001/0/index.htm">monthly book contest</a>.<br> <br>