Why Rock Your Retirement? An FAQ- #000 - Rock Your Retirement Show

Rock Your Retirement Show show

Summary: Why Rock your Retirement?  A FAQ<br> Retirement is not just about money.<br> Why Rock Your Retirement?  Hi, I’m Kathe Kline and I’ve been working with retirees and pre-retirees since 1990.  Over the years I’ve noticed that happiness in retirement had very little to do with how much money you had, (unless you are living in poverty) and had a lot more to do with what you decide to do with your time after you retire.  I had clients who had huge houses who were not having a good retirement, and clients who were living in tiny mobile homes who were having the time of their lives.  What was the difference?  Why were some having a great retirement and others were miserable?<br> In 2015 I gave up my securities license and decided to live a slower paced life.  I wanted to help people, but in a different way than I was doing it before.  Although I still have a small financial planning practice, I generally do not accept new clients.<br> How can I help you?   Many times it is difficult for people to go from working 2000 hours to zero.  It’s great for the first few months, but then some of us hit a wall.   Depression sets in.  Sometimes it even leads to divorce because two people who were apart for 8-10 hours a day suddenly find themselves together for 24 hours a day.  For some that works… but for others it doesn’t.<br> What do we talk about at Rock Your Retirement?<br> We talk about <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retirement" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">retirement</a> in a different way.  Each week I interview two types of guests.  The first are the Retirees that are “Rocking their Retirement” in some way.  The Rock Your Retirement Show focuses on:<br> <br> * Social and Family<br> * Adventure and Travel<br> * Volunteer and Philanthropy<br> * Spirit/Soul/Health Issues<br> * Sex (But we usually don’t ask our Retirees about this!)<br> * Baby Boomer/Sandwich Generation Issues (Taking care of your children AND your parents at the same time)<br> <br> How often are the Rock Your Retirement shows released?<br> Rock Your Retirement Retiree Interviews:<br> My intention is to release these interviews on Mondays.   These will be interviews with people who can show you how to Rock Your Retirement, because they are rocking their own retirement in one of the ways we discuss.  Are they traveling?  Did they get closer with their spouse or children because they had more time to do that?  Whatever the retiree is doing, we want you to hear about it so that it will spark something in YOU so that you can decide how you want to live in retirement…regardless of the amount of money you’ve saved.<br> Rock Your Retirement Vendor Interviews:<br> These interviews are with people or businesses that can help with the issues of helping your family members.  Most people who find out that they need to help a parent or spouse do not understand all of the options available to them.   For example, my own father has Parkinson’s Disease and I did not find out about Adult Day Care (I hate that name) until 2015.  Adult Day Care is not only is a less expensive alternative to Home Care, but I think it provides better care for your loved one because of the socialization aspect.  One would think that 1:1 care would be better, but often it is not.  When people are together in groups they often have better outcomes than when they are sitting at home with one caregiver.<br> How long are the Rock Your Retirement Shows?<br> We strive to keep these shows at about a half hour, give or take.<br> How can I listen to the Rock Your Retirement Show?<br> You have several options.  Once the show is released, you’ll be able to listen on iTunes, Stitcher, Podcast Addict, and all the Podcast apps that go on a smart phone.  If you don’t have a smart phone you can listen on your Android or Apple device.  If you don’t have either of those,