Cameron Clyne: Be More Than Your Job Title

The Jono Fisher Podcast show

Summary: Cameron Clyne viewed his role as CEO as only a small part of who he is as a whole person. Cameron values people beyond their job titles and always sought to create work environments where people felt cared for, respected and treated with dignity. He see’s the great value in men showing physical affection to their kids and how important it is for men to maintain friendships to support each other during difficult times. Cameron also shares the importance of implementing activities like swimming, yoga or walking as tools to help cultivate mindfulness. Cameron is one of Australia’s most respected business leaders and a husband and father of two children. He served as CEO of the National Australia bank from 2009 until 2014 - guiding the bank through the most difficult years of the global financial crisis. At 46 years of age, Cameron made the surprise decision to retire to be able to spend more time with his wife and children. At his press conference he said “I would like my marriage to last longer than my time as CEO.”