How to Apply Pressure to Acupressure Points

Acupoints and Meridians Made Easy! show

Summary: <br> How to contact, press, or massage an acupressure point is one of the most common questions people ask me. Below is my protocol for working with acupressure (also known as acupoints, points, acupuncture points). <br> 7 Steps for contacting acupressure points: <br> <br> <br> Be centered, grounded, and connected to your breath and energy <br> <br> Allow your energy to guide you as you gently place your finger or thumb on the acupressure point <br> <br> As you make contact, allow all of your mental focus and awareness to seep through your body to the acupressure point <br> Allow your pressure to sink into the point <br> <br> Always notice how your pressure is being received<br> <br> Ask the person to verbalize if they want more or less pressure.<br> Notice if their breathing becomes restrained (lighten your pressure), or more relaxed (you have the right amount of pressure). <br> <br> Keep your intention focused while sensing the<a href="">Qi (energy)</a> at the acupressure point. <br> <br> You will feel an urge to vary the depth, to use small circular massage, or to be still – follow that urge. These urges are your intuition responding to the Qi. This is your direct guidance from the Qi. <br> <br> <a href="">Complete blog post here </a><br>