#22 Does Anyone Really Know What They are Doing? with Sharon Salzberg

The Reboot Podcast show

Summary: We’re often in (or feel we’re in) uncharted waters - a place where making things up as we go is a necessity. Feeling lost in those places can be anxiety-inducing. We feel incompetent. We feel shameful. We can end up feeling that everyone has figured it out but me. But how true is that, really? And perhaps the better question--how can owning my own anxiety in these areas help me step more fully into my authentic self and even increase my capacity for happiness? We are honored to welcome one of our key teachers at Reboot, Sharon Salzberg, to the podcast. In this conversation Sharon and Jerry discuss Sharon’s entrepreneurial path, a new definition of success (and failure), authenticity, loving kindness, and the question: Does anyone really know what they are doing? Sharon Salzberg on Twitter - https://twitter.com/SharonSalzberg Insight Meditation Society - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insight_Meditation_Society Lovingkindness - http://www.amazon.com/Lovingkindness-Revolutionary-Happiness-Shambhala-Classics/dp/157062903X Real Happiness - http://www.amazon.com/Real-Happiness-Meditation-28-Day-Program/dp/0761159258 Real Happiness at Work - http://www.amazon.com/Real-Happiness-Work-Meditations-Accomplishment/dp/0761168990