Greenfly in my Trusses

Vince Tracy's Podcasts show

Summary: The song this week is #Greenfly in my Trusses" and was an idea I came up with back in the day when my mate the late Norman Thomas of #RadioCity commented .... .Are we sick and tired of hearing about #Trump and #TeresaMay or what?!!!...the guy gets hold of her hand to prevent her slipping BECAUSE THERE WAS A SLOPE that's it.....but oh no the media pile in making an issue out of nothing... The "scientists" have been at it again..."research" has uncovered the fact that primary school children learn more if...wait for it...they wear slippers.... ...and #Kodak must have shedloads of film left over since everyone bought digital cameras.... We have obviously given up with #Eurovision.... subjected to a selection of songs sung by #XFactor also rans....... "Mothers" are OUT!!........this is so the 1% of #transgender parents are not offended.... It reminds me of the time when I was working for #Merseyside County Council and the #TradingStandards burst into a chip shop and told the owner he couldn't call his hamburgers hamburgers........"OUR HAMBURGERS ARE NOW SAVOURY RINGS"....that's why #Liverpool is such a great place.