February 12, 2017 — Micah Hanks

The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio show

Summary: Researcher Micah Hanks, of The Gralien Report, returns to discuss strange objects in orbit around the Earth that were being seen during the golden age of Ufology. Researcher Donald E. Keyhoe believed some of these were “alien motherships”; Micah will look at how the discoverer of Pluto became involved in determining what these objects were, as well as the peculiar search for Earth’s second moon, and the continuing search for “moonlets” today. Over the years, mystery objects in Earth orbit have helped promote the belief in what is known as “The Black Knight Satellite,” a hypothetical alien probe that has monitored Earth for 13,000 years. Micah explains the scientific discoveries behind this modern legend, which have built onto a mythos over the years.