February 19, 2017 — Robert Schroeder

The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio show

Summary: Gene and guest-co host Goggs Mackay interview Robert Schroeder, author of "Solving the UFO Enigma: How Modern Physics is Revealing the Technology of UFOs." So if UFOs are real an extraterrestrial, just how do they perform amazing stunts of maneuverability? What can we learn about advancing our own understanding of physics and possible propulsion systems for future spacecraft? It's going to be a fascinating journey to the frontiers of science. According to Robert: "I retired a few years ago from Hewlett-Packard after 26 years in operations and product management…I've done talks at Phoenix MUFON 2015; MUFON Symposium 2015, Irvine, Calif.; International UFO Congress 2014, Phoenix, Arizona, etc."