OYF125: When to Leave (or Stay In) an Abusive Marriage [3 of 3]

The Marriage Podcast for Smart People | from OnlyYouForever | Because Marriage Should Be Forever show

Summary: Deciding whether to leave an abusive marriage or stay in the hope that things improve can be one of the hardest decisions you ever have to make. Research shows that a decision to stay can be influenced by your attachment to your partner and your belief that he can change, as well as the fear of retribution and whether you have adequate support in place to cope after leaving.<br> <br> Deciding to leave can often be based on fears for your safety or that of your children. Spotting when abuse is escalating or when your partner's behavior poses a threat to your life can be a clear sign that it's time to call it quits.<br> <br> Whichever path you choose, research shows that making a definitive decision leads to far better outcomes than going back and forth between leaving and returning. Whether you decide to stay or leave it's important to frame it as your choice to make based on your own freedom and strength.