5 goal-setting tips for SMART property investors

Investing Insights with Right Property Group show

Summary: Why is setting clear goals so important for investors? What is the best way to set your goals so they’ll be achieved? The team explores goal setting and how it can help you become a better property investor. In this episode of Investing Insights, host Phil Tarrant and partners Right Property Group discuss the five things investors should keep in mind when setting their goals, and how to make sure you achieve them. From Series 2 of Investing Insights with the Right Property Group, the podcast is now located on the Smart Property Investment Podcast Network, which you can find here on iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/smart-property-investment-podcast-network/id1062491621?mt=2 or listen on https://www.smartpropertyinvestment.com.au/podcasts/right-property-group. Did you like this episode? Show your support by rating us on iTunes (Investing Insights) and by liking and following Right Property Group and Smart Property Investment on social media: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. If you have any questions about what you heard today or any topics of interest you have in mind, feel free to email editor@smartpropertyinvestment.com.au or questions@rightpropertygroup.com.au for more. http://www.smartpropertyinvestment.com.au http://www.rightpropertygroup.com.au