GRRL011: playing solo vs ensemble and physical products, featuring Carrie Gillespie Feller of Hexa

Grrl on Grrl: intersectional and trans-inclusive music & interview show show

Summary: For episode 11, Carrie Gillespie Feller invited me into her home for the interview. I have to admit, I would’ve stayed forever if only to cuddle with her cat some more… This episode is especially exciting for me because we talk a lot about her new project, Hexa and her debut EP Bata Motel that came out only last week. Although the album was recorded with other musicians, her live performance is just her, with a keyboard, loop pedal, microphone, and drum pad. It’s really amazing watching her build layers and layers of sound and harmony… Honestly, it’s a great live experience. Besides Hexa, Carrie has been in several San Diego bands, the two most recent being ILYA and Lunar Maps, which you’ll also get to hear during the course of the episode. Because of her experiences, we talk about the differences between playing solo versus in a band, and we also touch on creating physical products in an industry run by digital downloads.