Entrepreneurship is Not What You Think

Accelerate Your Business Growth show

Summary: Entrepreneurship is not about risk or creativity or passion!  This is the thesis of the book School for Startups, that anyone can be an entrepreneur.   Seventy-two percent of Americans wish they were entrepreneurs. When this seventy-two percent of people  see that risk and creativity can be removed, no excuse remains for inertia.  My guest Jim Beach will share insights from the book and his understanding of entrepreneurship. Jim started working as a research assistant at the Japanese External Trade Organization in Atlanta. He attended graduate school in Hawaii before working for Coca-Cola in Japan. At age 26, he founded American Computer Experience, which provided technology training for young people. He sold the company in 2001 and started teaching at Georgia State University. He now teaches at the University of Tennessee/Chattanooga. He has worked extensively with United Parcel Service to promote exports. Today's show is sponsored by the Family Business Forum. Visit www.familybizforum.com to learn about this group coaching program for family business leaders.