How Do You Get What You Want?

Accelerate Your Business Growth show

Summary: It’s all about having a plan, a purpose and gaining momentum… My guest is Odette Laurie and she'll share:·         Where to start so you can create something so extraordinary with your life.·         How to get out of your own way so you can make a lot of money doing what you love.·         How to create a plan to get your momentum going and get results quickly·         That you can have a life and a business that gets you jumping out of bed each morning – juiced up and ready to make things happen. Odette Laurie is a business coach, speaker extraordinaire, kick-ass coach, and supermom. She is the founder of Women on Top and creator of popular programs like In it to Win it! and the Profit Domination Club. Today's show is sponsored by The Family Business Forum. Visit the website to learn more about the Open House on June 27th.