Determining Your Niche

Accelerate Your Business Growth show

Summary: Judy Hoberman joins us to discuss the importance of picking a niche for your business. A niche allows you to focus and conecntrate your messaging, making your marketing more impactful. As a former Agency Manager, trainer and veteran salesperson, Judy Hoberman has created a company that finally addresses the gender issues and differences that affect corporate America. A true entrepreneur at heart with experience both in the Self-Employed and Corporate arenas. Her company, Selling in a Skirt goes beyond a standard training program – it presents a method, a philosophy and a way of life for the next generation of winning sales women. Today's show is sponsored by Empower Excellence. How can you improve the productivity of your company? Help your employees increase your company's productivity by reducing their financial stress! EMPOWER Excellence of Westlake, Ohio, helps your company improve the financial wellness of your employees AND your business.  Talk to Jan Litterst at EMPOWER Excellence 440-263-6176