The CEO Whisperer On Saving The American Entrepreneur

Accelerate Your Business Growth show

Summary: Patrick Rettig will address the steps necessary to 'turnaround' a company facing bankruptcy. He works one on one with the CEO and teaches him how to navigate his company back to solvency. Rettig's methods are unique and unorthodox but they work.  He is passionate about saving the entrepreneur - the backbone of the American economy. Rettig is CEO of the Rettig Corporation located in the high desert outside Los Angeles.  As a ‘Turnaround Man’ he becomes an 24/7 ally to the CEO and Immediately gives them hope and solutions. Rettig does business the old fashioned way with a handshake and word of honor.  His team of experts provide the infrastructure necessary to sustain the company until the complete turnaround is successful.  Today's show is sponsored by WIN Cleveland. WIN Cleveland is an organization that empowers female professionals by creating new access points for individual business development. They support one another by providing continual professional growth, sharing a wide variety of ideas and resources and assisting select women-based charities within their community. Visit for more information.