#32: There's anger in the polls

The Pollsters show

Summary: It’s International Podcast Day! Have you sent out all your cards & gifts? Don’t forget to write us a review on Stitcher or iTunes, or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.   2016 Trump has a classy pollster. Meanwhile, slow and Rubio wins the race? Are you ready for some Biden? We take a question from activist Deray McKesson. And Kristen has a new poll showing Republicans agree climate change is happening. NBC/WSJ Echelon Insights poll on climate change Huffington Post/pollster average NYT: Focus group of one   Boehner: Out. Anger: In.   Boehner has resigned, but it judging by these numbers, it’ll take a lot more to turn around these sad Gallup numbers on how people view our government. Gallup - Majority want a third party Gallup - Trust in media at record low Gallup - To know Congress is to hate Congress Gallup - People don’t even trust their own Member of Congress anymore Bloomberg Politics/Selzer   So let’s shut the whole thing down? Well, not quite. Most people oppose shutting down the government to stop funding for Planned Parenthood. Even Republicans. Quinnipiac CBS/NYT Pew   More Canada! Listeners, you’ve spoken, and you want more data on Canada. We’re here to deliver. Apparently releasing a poll publicly is “guerrilla warfare.” It’ll take more than that to raise an eyebrow in these parts. Canada poll-tracker Huffington Post Globe & Mail story on “questionable results”   The most current polling on OJ Simpson. We know you’ve been wondering: what is the polling on OJ Simpson these days? Well, the Post has been wondering too. WP/ABC on OJ   Hey, what’s up listeners? We love it when dating apps release their data. They should be called dating data apps. And among which group can talking about Taylor Swift get you a date?   Vox   Key Findings: Our best pollsters pickup line may be, “Who would you prefer to go to Canada with: Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, or Ben Carson?” Our worst pickup line: “Hey, what’s up Donald Trump?” And that may be how he begins his focus groups of one. If you’re feeling despondent about the government, like most of Americans—celebrate International Podcast Day instead. But we (and most Americans) hope you don’t have too much free time on your hands with a government shutdown.